Silvia Saint on Kalporn
Silvia Saint
- Videos on Kalporn: 3
- Date of birth: 12-02-1976
- Nationality Czech
- Twitter:!/silviasaint_
- Facebook:
Not available
Silvia Saint is one of the biggest pornstars to ever come out of the Czech Republic, and she worked hard to earn that notoriety. She was first working as a lingerie model before she decided to strip for magazine publications. From there, the move to porn was inevitable: and now she's known all over the world.
Latest porn videos of Silvia Saint

Silvia Saint
- Videos on Kalporn: 3
- Date of birth: 12-02-1976
- Nationality Czech
- Twitter:!/silviasaint_
- Facebook: Not available
Silvia Saint is one of the biggest pornstars to ever come out of the Czech Republic, and she worked hard to earn that notoriety. She was first working as a lingerie model before she decided to strip for magazine publications. From there, the move to porn was inevitable: and now she's known all over the world.