Puma Swede on Kalporn
Puma Swede
- Videos on Kalporn: 4
- Date of birth: 13-09-1976
- Nationality Swedish
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Puma Swede hails from Stockholm, Sweden and she was working as a store clerk before she gotten bitten by the porn bug. In 2001, she got convinced to do her first erotic photoshoot: and two years later she was planning a move to California to make it big in the porn industry. She's requested for work all the time, and she earned an AVN nomination in 2009.
Latest porn videos of Puma Swede

Puma Swede
- Videos on Kalporn: 4
- Date of birth: 13-09-1976
- Nationality Swedish
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/PumaSwede
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Puma-Swede/1377385455
Puma Swede hails from Stockholm, Sweden and she was working as a store clerk before she gotten bitten by the porn bug. In 2001, she got convinced to do her first erotic photoshoot: and two years later she was planning a move to California to make it big in the porn industry. She's requested for work all the time, and she earned an AVN nomination in 2009.