Natasha Nice on Kalporn
Natasha Nice
- Videos on Kalporn: 10
- Date of birth: 28-07-1988
- Nationality French
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Natasha Nice is a sweet French girl but she moved to Los Angeles with family when she was 3. Even though she lived in the US, her father enrolled her in French schools to keep her in touch with her French upbringing. At 18 when she had just graduated, she got drawn into porn and started filming.
Latest porn videos of Natasha Nice

Natasha Nice
- Videos on Kalporn: 10
- Date of birth: 28-07-1988
- Nationality French
- Twitter: Not available
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Natasha Nice is a sweet French girl but she moved to Los Angeles with family when she was 3. Even though she lived in the US, her father enrolled her in French schools to keep her in touch with her French upbringing. At 18 when she had just graduated, she got drawn into porn and started filming.