Natalia Zeta on Kalporn
Natalia Zeta
- Videos on Kalporn: 1
- Date of birth: 29-12-1983
- Nationality Spanish
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Natalia Zeta was modeling and stripping before she decided to get into porn in 2005 when she 21 and she and her boyfriend filmed their first flick. She was born in Spain and she's considered part of the "Gold Generation" of Spanish pornstars. In 2007 she worked with Private and Evil Angel and she's still going strong.
Latest porn videos of Natalia Zeta

Natalia Zeta
- Videos on Kalporn: 1
- Date of birth: 29-12-1983
- Nationality Spanish
- Twitter: Not available
- Facebook: Not available
Natalia Zeta was modeling and stripping before she decided to get into porn in 2005 when she 21 and she and her boyfriend filmed their first flick. She was born in Spain and she's considered part of the "Gold Generation" of Spanish pornstars. In 2007 she worked with Private and Evil Angel and she's still going strong.