Leyla Black on Kalporn
Leyla Black
- Videos on Kalporn: 2
- Date of birth: 06-02-1987
- Nationality Spanish
- Twitter:
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Not available
Leyla Black made her first appearance in a scene when she was 21, and her young appearance made her a crowd favorite. She also seems to be a blowjob professional and the biggest producers in the business have definitely taken an interest in her talents. She continues to work regularly in Europe and the United States.
Latest porn videos of Leyla Black

Leyla Black
- Videos on Kalporn: 2
- Date of birth: 06-02-1987
- Nationality Spanish
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrincessLeylaxx
- Facebook: Not available
Leyla Black made her first appearance in a scene when she was 21, and her young appearance made her a crowd favorite. She also seems to be a blowjob professional and the biggest producers in the business have definitely taken an interest in her talents. She continues to work regularly in Europe and the United States.