Katsumi on Kalporn
- Videos on Kalporn: 1
- Date of birth: 09-04-1979
- Nationality French
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Katsumi is a French born girl that's also got some Asian roots that she can't deny. In 2001, she signed with Colmax for a four-year deal. In 2005, it was time for her to make the move to the US so she could become even bigger. Once she made it, she seemed to be working constantly: and she ended up in more than 200 films!
Latest porn videos of Katsumi

- Videos on Kalporn: 1
- Date of birth: 09-04-1979
- Nationality French
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Katsuni
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/KATSUNI/86522923793
Katsumi is a French born girl that's also got some Asian roots that she can't deny. In 2001, she signed with Colmax for a four-year deal. In 2005, it was time for her to make the move to the US so she could become even bigger. Once she made it, she seemed to be working constantly: and she ended up in more than 200 films!