Ivana Sugar on Kalporn
Ivana Sugar
- Videos on Kalporn: 5
- Date of birth: 26-02-1982
- Nationality Ukrainian
- Twitter:
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Not available
Ivana Sugar is a hot blonde that was born in the Ukraine. She's at the tender age of 19, but she's already proven herself as a professional slut. The biggest producers in the business have already been after her, and she's got a lot more to show and prove.
Latest porn videos of Ivana Sugar

Ivana Sugar
- Videos on Kalporn: 5
- Date of birth: 26-02-1982
- Nationality Ukrainian
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/IvanaSugar
- Facebook: Not available
Ivana Sugar is a hot blonde that was born in the Ukraine. She's at the tender age of 19, but she's already proven herself as a professional slut. The biggest producers in the business have already been after her, and she's got a lot more to show and prove.