Connie Carter on Kalporn
Connie Carter
- Videos on Kalporn: 7
- Date of birth: 24-11-1988
- Nationality Czech
- Twitter:
Not available
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Not available
Connie Carter is no newbie to the porn world and she's acted in her fair share of scenes across the spectrum. Anal sex, double penetration and BDSM niches are her top choices.
Latest porn videos of Connie Carter

Connie Carter
- Videos on Kalporn: 7
- Date of birth: 24-11-1988
- Nationality Czech
- Twitter: Not available
- Facebook: Not available
Connie Carter is no newbie to the porn world and she's acted in her fair share of scenes across the spectrum. Anal sex, double penetration and BDSM niches are her top choices.