Ava Devine on Kalporn
Ava Devine
- Videos on Kalporn: 4
- Date of birth: 22-01-1974
- Nationality American
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Ava Devine didn't start filming porn until she was older than 30, so it makes sense that she fit into the MILF role perfectly. She's known for her dirty talk and insatiable appetite for sex: so she's popular with a lot of people! In 2005, she stepped away for a break to have surgery, but she came back and hasn't quit since.
Latest porn videos of Ava Devine

Ava Devine
- Videos on Kalporn: 4
- Date of birth: 22-01-1974
- Nationality American
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/xavadevinex
- Facebook: Not available
Ava Devine didn't start filming porn until she was older than 30, so it makes sense that she fit into the MILF role perfectly. She's known for her dirty talk and insatiable appetite for sex: so she's popular with a lot of people! In 2005, she stepped away for a break to have surgery, but she came back and hasn't quit since.